Welcome to a Life long Journey...
The Golden Apple opens its doors to children & educators who need an alternative support system. From virtual support & programs to a Learning Pod form of learning using an Experiential, Sensorial Method of Learning. The Golden Apple plays an important role, in securing your child’s early learning needs, during these times of educational uncertainty.
Knowledge Is Power
Academic Pods
Pod Curriculum
The curriculum for The Golden Apple Learning Pod will be based on each students’ school curriculum. GALP Teachers will work with families to secure and support the curriculum from each school. As requested and as time permits, the daily schedule can include enrichment, project-based learning, and socialization activities. Daily pod meetings will incorporate social-emotional learning activities and mindsets.
Pod Safety and Health
The GALP's top priority is ensuring the health and safety of all students, staff, and families involved with THE GALP Learning Pod. GALP Educators and Trainers will work with each family to ensure their home is set up to safely and continuously support on-site learning. At a minimum, this includes daily temperature checks, social distancing, the correct wearing of masks, frequent hand washing, and regular cleaning of the designated Pod space. Guidelines will be provided to every family in the pod and all must agree to take the appropriate measures to prevent COVID-19, both during school hours and at home.